Thursday, July 9, 2009

'Lost' actor accepts invite

Not wanting to miss out on all the shenanigans, friend and actor Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond on 'Lost') has said he will be in attendance next Tuesday!

"Me and Kevin go way back. We met at a gas station in Duluth, Minnesota when Kevin stopped and asked me for directions to Minneapolis," says 'Desmond'. "That was actually the seed of inspiration for 'Lost'. Every 'Lost' fan out there owes a lot to Kevin and coming to this party was the least I could do."

And for you unbelievers out there, 'Desmond' has sent in a photo of himself and Kevin.

1 comment:

  1. Not trying to be a jerk, but it was actually St. Cloud, Minnesota where we met. It was kind of embarrassing because I was less than an hour from the Twin Cities down I-94. But Des was a real sweetheart about it.
