Thursday, July 9, 2009

Satellite party being planned

For those of you in the San Antonio area next Tuesday, a satellite party is being planned at the Super 8 just off of I-10. A streaming webcam will be set up at both the satellite party and the huge farewell bash for those wanting an international partying experience.

As Kevin is an extremely accomodating host, he has opened the door to song requests for the party. Just use the comment section below this post to let him know your favourite tunes and he'll do his best to get them pumping through his rented ghetto blaster.

The list of attendees is growing by the minute!

Don't be left off the list - RSVP today!

'Lost' actor accepts invite

Not wanting to miss out on all the shenanigans, friend and actor Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond on 'Lost') has said he will be in attendance next Tuesday!

"Me and Kevin go way back. We met at a gas station in Duluth, Minnesota when Kevin stopped and asked me for directions to Minneapolis," says 'Desmond'. "That was actually the seed of inspiration for 'Lost'. Every 'Lost' fan out there owes a lot to Kevin and coming to this party was the least I could do."

And for you unbelievers out there, 'Desmond' has sent in a photo of himself and Kevin.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Great news!

Well, it has only been 20 minutes since the first post and I already have some great news to share:

It seems as though one of the guests is bringing a chocolate fountain! Yes, that's right, you heard it here on first, a chocolate fountain!

This party is really starting to snowball now.

Only a week away...

Get ready for the party of the year! At this time next week, we will be partying hard as it's Kevin's last day before he goes to Ontario.

Invitations have been sent, so check your mailbox regularly so you don't miss out on the party your friends will be talking about for years to come.

Come early, leave late.

Keep following the blog for more details as we all get excited for an action-packed, super fun party!